xSecuritas Screen Watermark Now Supports for Mobile Device 

Mobile Screen Watermark Now Available on Android Device (New Feature) 

Main features of the product:

Function to show or hide the watermark according to the designated environment(PC, Mac, Android)

iOS Version will be available in Year 2024 Q2

The watermark can be configured according to customer policy. For example, the watermark can be hidden within the company premise, when the PC left the company premise, the watermark will be visible while normally the watermark is not visible. In summary, the watermarking function can be activated when certain conditions are satisfied.

Support ZOOM, CISCO WebEx, Microsoft Teams, Skype for personal

Screen capture prevention function

Controls not to capture the entire screen.

Controls that only certain program screens are not captured.

When a user attempts to capture, the original image is saved on the server.

Screen to capture

Captured image

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